Today, we are talking about ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL!!
Beautiful art
Expressing ourselves
Giving back to Mother Earth
Oh, and a little something I like to call SOUL WORK!
You know, the work that your SOUL is called forth to do!
This is also known as our Zone of Genius, a term coined by Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.
Let me quickly connect our soul work and its impact on our health:::
Our bodies function the best when we are involved in activities and work that feel exactly right to us, and that bring us loads of pleasure.
It doesn't just satisfy our bosses, our boos, and our moms; It satisfies us just as much!
To quote some amazing wisdom from my favorite author, doctor, educator, pioneer, bad-ass warrior goddess, and queen of all things women's health, Dr. Christiane Northrup:::
"Financial and gynecological health are intimately connected. The second-chakra area of the body (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, lower back) is affected by financial stresses. Health in this area is created when we tap into our ability to be creative and prosperous at the same time."
I am inclined to believe that health in ALL ways is enhanced when we find prosperity in our creative endeavors!
I am SO pleased to be collaborating today with a beautiful Colorado creative who has done exactly that! She has married her soul work, her creative work, and her natural gifts into an amazing, thriving business that is growing daily and impressing people everywhere!
She is as bright and effervescent and she is talented and innovative.
She epitomizes soul work.
She has turned her creative talents of art and her keen eye for beauty into GORGEOUS active wear and yoga mats, that also happen to be eco-friendly, sustainably sourced, and with the mission of giving back to Mother Earth with each customer purchase.
Without further ado, please welcome Katie Cleveland to the blog!

"Hey! I'm Katie Cleveland. I am an adventurous soul who loves to create art. During the winter you will find me snowboarding and in the summer I love to camp and hike. Living in Denver makes it easy to escape to the mountains for a fun outdoor adventure :)
I met Emily through one of her dear friends that I work with. Emily has also been gracious enough to model my eco-friendly activewear! I'm here to share my story about becoming an artist and starting an eco-friendly apparel line. Both of which I never planned to do.
If you were to ask me right after college if I would become a business owner, I would have said hell no! No way did I want to do something like that.
Creating art came natural to me and becoming an entrepreneur did not.
The funny thing is when I did graduate college, I wasn't creating art or had any plan to. In my first year of college, I went to art school and got completely burned out.
It wasn't until after graduating that I had this idea to draw these abstract shapes and free-flowing lines while at work one day.
So I busted out my old colored pencils from art school and below is what I created. This drawing was the beginning of it all.
The business naturally evolved because I was inspired to put art on products. I would also get a lot of feedback saying that my artwork would look great on apparel and products which sparked the whole idea."

Colorful Art turned into eco-friendly activewear & yoga mats
"When the world decided to shut down in 2020, I decided to take that time to reinvent my brand to incorporate sustainability and giving back.
Every time I would turn on the news it would be one horrible disaster after another. Throughout 2020, I stayed focused on creating products that would stand for a positive change."

"Recently, we launched a colorful art activewear line that gives back to mother earth.
Our clothing line is made from a premium recycled fabric that contains 84-92% recycled plastic waste.
Ensuring the process of manufacturing the apparel was just as important as the fabric selection.
So we went with a manufacturing facility that is a Gold Green Certified Business.
This means the facility meets high standards for social and environmental impacts. For every garment you buy, we plant one tree through the National Forest Foundation.
What makes our colorful merchandise unique is that each design was created from an original fine art painting."

"To go with our fun and vibrant activewear line, we collaborated with Big Raven Yoga to offer four eco-friendly yoga mats.
These bright beauties are built to last and are so much better than your average yoga mat.
They are super grippy and thick (4.5mm) for the best support during your practice.
The superior soft microfiber top is a proprietary recycled polyester.
The base of the mat is made from biodegradable, recyclable, 100% natural tree rubber."

"Whether you are practicing yoga or climbing a mountain, it's "Art that goes with you".
Our product line gives you a new perspective on how art can be a part of your everyday life.
We want our customers to feel good about their purchase from us.
When you buy from Katie Cleveland Art you can trust your hard-earned money is making a difference."
What Keeps Me Inspired to Create Colorful Art
"Bright colors, bold linework, and fun abstract shapes are what keeps me inspired to create art.
Most of my paintings are completely random. Starting with one line to the next, I focus on the energy of what I’m feeling.
It is exciting and a great surprise when I finish a painting, because it never ends up how I thought it would.
Recently I have been inspired to mix aspects of nature with abstract shapes. I'm drawn to nature because like everyone in Colorado I love camping, snowboarding, and hiking :)
Being on an adventure out in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is my happy place. I love to bring that aspect of my life into my artwork.
Well, thanks for reading my story! If you would like to see some crazy colorful art and apparel click here :)
We are gearing up for a fun holiday season full of promotions, bundles, and more! Subscribe to our email list to keep up with all that's going on this holiday season!"
Visit Katie on Facebook and Instagram to keep in touch!

Aren't these designs beautiful?! I had the pleasure of modeling some of her creations on a wonderful gals trip to Joshua Tree, CA this summer.
I hope this post gave you all some valuable insight into following your heart, leaning into your natural gifts, and maybe it even inspired you to create your own business out of your soul's work!
Katie's work is so beautiful! I'm the proud owner of this set, and I am so so in love! It's literally a work of art. That's what so awesome about these pieces!
It's amazing how much I love doing my yoga even more when I feel beautiful and my figure is complimented and I know I did something good for the planet!
Make sure you check out her site for her latest creations that will have you namaste-ing so inspired to visit the depths of your own heart to uncover your OWN soul work!
(and maybe get into a regular yoga practice now that you've got some killer swag to sport!)
Tell me below -- what do you do that is creative and fulfilling? Are you doing your soul work? Make sure to visit Katie on IG @katieclevelandart and check out her website! www.katieclevelandart.com
Yours In Abundant Health,
Emily 😊